Pickwick Landing

Pickwick Landing State Park

August 15-17, 2020

Left Nashville  Saturday morning with Sue and Max to explore Pickwick Lake.

Sue and I had driven down prior to taking boat down by river so this was our first chance to explore the Lake. We provisioned the trip at local Kroger in Savannah Tn.  Small and nice. Then head over to marina office and buy a chart of the lake and cap.

Long list of boat to do’s. Solar working great. Sue begins to organize the Galley for an overnight or two. She loves the new bimini. Added a brass bell in case of for.  Mount fire extinguisher. Check best method to tie down anchor and where to mount ladder.


Depart to see this big beautiful lake with million dollar homes adorning the hills. Motor out and unfurl Genoa. At last sailing again. Barges are large and present. Lots of 12’ deep water I do not know that makes sailing confined. Sail to mouth of Yellow Creek and find Grand Marina and a little further Aqua Yacht. Big but not interested. Mostly motor boats everywhere. We leave and look for a cove to anchor or head back to Marina. We find Dry Creek Cove only to find over 100 boats rafted up. All but 5 leave after sunset. Lovely dinner and dessert. Beautiful night sky. Moon is dark and planets and stars bright.

Next morning a slight mist over the Cove. Coffee bacon and eggs. In the 60’s but going to heat up.

Head back to marina and work on boat projects. Fix stairs. Clean up quarter birth. Install fridge to load and learn how to put on manual and timer. Sue organizes galleys. Looking good.

The humidity and heat builds and I am soaked in sweat and overheat. Max knocks over valuable boat parts. Fast storms approaching and we head for cover.

Leave and find a motel in Savannah. First no pets. Second not clean and end up at Savannah Motel next to Courthouse and River Museum. Go see Shiloh Battlefield. See sign for Catfish Motel. Sues delight. Plans to go there for dinner. Rest.

Dinner at Hagy’s Catfish Motel. Right on the river we passed 8 miles before Lock. Great whole catfish. Comment to Sue no Rob White comments lately. First man I see comments I look like him and convinced I was him when he saw the cigar.

Back to hotel.

Sunday morning out early to get coffee and take pictures. Very nice.

Head back to Nashville feeling we had a good exploration. Lots of fun

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